Mookaite, also known as “Australian Jasper” is a type of jasper found in Western Australia. It is known for its vibrant colors , which can include shades of red, yellow, and brown.
In metaphysical beliefs, it is associated with promoting a sense of adventure, aiding in decision-making, and enhancing one’s connection to the natural world. Mookaite is also thought to have grounding and stabilizing effects.
Mookaite, also known as “Australian Jasper” is a type of jasper found in Western Australia. It is known for its vibrant colors , which can include shades of red, yellow, and brown.
In metaphysical beliefs, it is associated with promoting a sense of adventure, aiding in decision-making, and enhancing one’s connection to the natural world. Mookaite is also thought to have grounding and stabilizing effects.
Mookaite, also known as “Australian Jasper” is a type of jasper found in Western Australia. It is known for its vibrant colors , which can include shades of red, yellow, and brown.
In metaphysical beliefs, it is associated with promoting a sense of adventure, aiding in decision-making, and enhancing one’s connection to the natural world. Mookaite is also thought to have grounding and stabilizing effects.