Emberlite / "Yooperlite" - UV Reactive
Emberlite / “Yooperlite” - UV Reactive
UV Reactive stone
Emberlite stones (aka Yooperlites”) are predominantly syenite, which is an igneous rock with a high orthoclase feldspar content. They are found in one specific place: the “Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States. (Hence the name, “Yooperlites.”)
Emberlite / “Yooperlite” - UV Reactive
UV Reactive stone
Emberlite stones (aka Yooperlites”) are predominantly syenite, which is an igneous rock with a high orthoclase feldspar content. They are found in one specific place: the “Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States. (Hence the name, “Yooperlites.”)
Emberlite / “Yooperlite” - UV Reactive
UV Reactive stone
Emberlite stones (aka Yooperlites”) are predominantly syenite, which is an igneous rock with a high orthoclase feldspar content. They are found in one specific place: the “Upper Peninsula of Michigan in the United States. (Hence the name, “Yooperlites.”)